Saturday, March 23, 2013

Michele Ciavattone and Loreta Giammarco

Michele Ciavattone 1897-1953
On November 15, 1920 at the age of 23 Michele Ciavattone arrived in New York aboard the SS President Grant (renamed the Republic in WWII and served as a troop transporter).  He indicated he is single, a laborer and speaks Italian.  He is from Sulmona Aquila Italy the son of Maria Colaberardino and his final destination is Detroit, Michigan.

Conte Verde postcard Michele sends to Loreta
Four years later on November 19, 1924, Michele arrived in New York once again this time aboard the SS Conte Verde from Napoli.  With this entry he indicates his last place of permanent residence was Detroit, Michigan and his nearest friend or relative residing in the place from whence he came is his wife Loreta Giammarco, although some records indicate they were married August 24, 1926.

Loreta Giammarco Ciavattone 1902-1976
On March 30, 1927, the SS Roma arrived in New York from Naples with a 25 year old housewife, Loreta Giammarco-Ciavattone.

Giammarco House - Sulmona
The Giammarco Family abt. 1924 Standing rear, Francesco (Ceci) Giuseppe, Loreta.  Front Antonio, Rosaria, holding Salvatore (Sam).

This is the last photo of Loreta Giammarco and her family before she emigrates to America to join her husband Michele.  Loreta and Michele never again returned to Sulmona after 1926.  They kept in close contact with all of their siblings who remained in Italy and those on both sides of the family who had emigrated to Australia through frequent letters and pictures.

Giuseppe & Lucia, Michele & Loreta's children abt. 1934 Detroit
Loreta Giammarco's older sister, Lucia had married Michele's older brother, Giuseppe.  Their children and grandchildren maintained a close relationship throughout their lives.